Art of Artrocity

8 d enkat evyonim  8 b atzvutah

3f im ollal    1 f maadu karsulai

3- 4

1 d tehie nishmata  5

The collages were made out of tiny little of photos

presenting feminine victimes during WW2

The photos were enlarge exposing exposing young figures , mainly children that were out of sight

1 h huil vd piatas bechi imahot The image of  Maria raising the question who is supporting who. The two figures erge creating the one cosmic Mother unable to protect  the life she created  1 n minoga negda


1 p Gam ki elech ook al ga ik   1 u op het pad van licht en modder

8 – 9

3 c em mosdot tevel     3f im ollal



3j tair neri

12 -13

3l 18 h har habotz       3pruach betit chutzot

3q op de de modders berg al har habotz

14 – 15

1 m ki natu    1 c shichma  dismentaling in grief

16 – 17

1 b tehie Nishmatan  18

Mixed media measurments between 80cm/65 to 200/140 cm

  Homage to the The Velvet Revolution (Czech: sametová revoluce) or Gentle Revolution (Slovak: nežná On 17 November 1989 collage painted in2009