Drs. Judi Gor is a light artist and media designer sharing her time between Israel and the Netherlands. Her designs have been realised for various assignments in public spaces and in exhibitions. Since 1987, she has carried out several performances, such as the Laser performance for Princes Beatrix in the “Riddenzaal”, The Hague and “Change of Atmosphere”, a light-sound event at the Music Theatre, Amsterdam. In 1996 she realised a performance using lighted cranes and mountaineers in the Eastern harbour of Amsterdam. Together with architects from Haskoning, she designed an installation for a recycling factory in Beverwijk using coloured light fibers. During 2010-2014 she designed an animated LED installation for the Andreas square, Amsterdam. In the United Kingdom she design interactive LED installations for the Headlands promenade of Hartlepool. Recently she has developed designs for Shelters along the Amsterdam waterfronts deploying interactive light manifestations activated by mobile phones.
Study background
1973- 1976 Teaching art BA degree (with distinction) the University of Haifa, Israel
1976 -1979 Degree for Fine Arts and environmental design from The Academy of Arts, Arnhem, the Netherlands
2007-2009 Master degree for urban design (with distinction), combined studies: The Academy of Arts, Utrecht, NL& The Faculty of Open University, London, UK
Major projects and exhibitions
1996 – Exhibition, The Opera House of Tel Aviv (group), presenting a design with light fibers that won the 2nd price in a design competition for the electric power station of Tel Aviv.
1997 – “Himmelstrasse”, exhibition in the Municipal Museum of Kampen, the Netherlands and Gallery Tittel, Köln, Germany. A series of paintings and reliefs presenting victimisation of women and children during the Second World War
1998 – “The Chain of the G”, design for stainless steel object for the main office of the Generale bank, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, architect Helmut Jahn – Light installation of polished brass, shopping centre of the Bijenkorf, The Hague NL
Neon-Installation “Grids”, the Head office of the Hermans Group, Baarn, the Netherlands
1998 – Light performance “Floating Silhouettes” with dance and music on the water at the Maritieme Museum of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in cooperation with choreographer Suzaku Takauchi
1996-9 – Installation with light-fibres “The Calligraphy” for the recycling centre of North Holland in Beverwijk, the Netherlands, in cooperation with architects Haskoning
1999 – “Sites from Above” exhibition of abstract paintings using old topographical maps drawn during the years 1900-1945, subsidised by The Pollock-Krasner Foundation New York, US
2000 -Light concept for the modernised harbour of Amsterdam assigned by the municipality of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2001 – Environments: the Municipal Museum of Haarlem in cooperation with Joos Clijsen, subsidised the by the Province of North Holland, the Netherlands
2004 – Design a city on the water of the river Foyle, Londonderry, Northern Ireland: “bridging territorial zconflicts through art and architecture”. Masterclass for the artists and architects of Londonderry, Northern Ireland, assignment by the, municipality of Londonderry – “Illumination”, design with the use of leds, Hadera Power Plant, Israel.
2004-5 – Exhibition of sculptures along the Victorian Headlands promenade of Hartlepool, United Kingdom, .,subsidised by the Prins Benhard Foundation, the Dutch embassy and The British Council for Art Projects.\ -Sculpting with recycled material decorating the Bijlmer flats, the Netherlands, subsidised by the Amsterdam ,,Foundation for the Arts
2006 – “Poetry”, Installation using projection robots to project poetry, the residential housing Main Office Videmos, Delft, The Netherlands
– Lighted path made of marbles created together with the children of the underdeveloped district in Soest, NL, subsidised by the Province of Utrecht, The Netherlands -“The stream”, an installation made of lighted glass gravel lit from underneath by white LED, Wijk en Aalburg, The Netherlands, together with the landscape architects Landschapen
2007 -“Lighted Windows”: a design for the rebuilt Kraanspoor of Amsterdam harbour, based on the window structure of the building, in cooperation with Urban Alliance and OTH Architects Amsterdam, NL
– “The White Surface”, an interactive installation lit by LED, The Wilfred Museum Hazorea, Israel, subsidised oby the Dutch embassy, sponsors Dan-Or, Tel Aviv, Israel
2008 – Setting up the Foundation HKG for teaching arts to unprivileged children from Smitsveen, Soest, the Netherlands, subsidised by the Dutch “Cultuur-Jeugdfonds” Utrecht and prins Benhard Cultuurfonds
– Setting up the Shirah Centre together with the PaRDeS Foundation for teaching Jewish culture and music, oSoest, the Netherlands
2009 – “Woorden” (words) exhibition with projection of video installations, inspired and presented by the late poet Simon Vinkenoog, the Netherlands
2010 -Performance along lighted paths in the anchient monumental graveyard of Den Bosch, realised by Flash Light, Utrecht, the Netherlands
2011 – Setting up of the Luna Foundation with the glass artist Sascha van Tetterode, with the aim to stimulate art projects in unprivileged immigrations districts
2012 – Sound and light installations, compound exhibition together with a group of artists from the Luna Foundation using video performances and electronic techniques, Soest industrial zone, the Netherlands
2012 – Exhibitions of interactive shelters along the IJ embankments of Amsterdam harbour, the new Music Hall of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, subsidised by the Amsterdam Foundation for the Arts.
2013 – Light Line made of programmed LED animation of changing colours; the Andréa’s Square, Amsterdam, together with the landscape architects Aksis Atelier
2014 Setting up the Urban gardens the immigrants district of Smitsveen Soest the Netherlands
1984 – Research and essays on light design in the Zen gardens of Japan, subsidized by the Dutch Ministry of oCulture
1986-7 – experimental 3D laser sculptures constructed by sound with dr. W. Hogevorst and dr. E. Eliel, the Vrij- University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The objects were exhibited in the international symposium for art and education in the Castle of Mittersill Austria. Subsidy Pr. Bernhard Fund
1889 – Research on Neon-Art and billboards, sponsored by Janse billboard company Eindhoven, The Netherlands
1992 – Research assignment for a didactic lighted exhibits for the future Museum of Science and Technology in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
1999 – Research for a new illumination of the façade of the Power Plant of North Hadera, Israel, using led coloured system, illuminating the front facade and the chimneys
2001-2002 – Research assignment for an interactive light plan for the future architecture of Amsterdam embankments assignment and subsidy: Amsterdam (north) municipality
2008- 2013 -Developing a didactic interactive architectural game for children involving led lighting and digital programing
Teaching assignments
1992 – Master class on light and urban planning at the Berlage Institute, Amsterdam
2001-2003 -Developing a lighting plan for the Northern section of the harbour of Amsterdam, with the Faculty of Urban Design of the Academy of Visual Art, Utrecht, The Netherlands, In cooperation wit F. van Dusseldorp
2004-2008 – Developing Lighting design for the old Jaffa and Acre, Israel, in cooperation with environmental design students for Shenkar Ramat-Gan
– Developing light design for the industrial waterfront of the Rhine Arnhem, the Netherlands, with the Larenstijn academy for landscape architecture in Velp, the Netherlands
2008 – Developing a light design for old Nazareth with the students of the Technion, Haifa, Israel, in cooperation with dr. A Vraneski